Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Joy in the Valley, by Mary Reneau

At last we had reached the peak! The long struggle to reach the top was over and a breath taking view spread out before us.
As we stood there breathing the fresh mountain air, we could see for miles in every direction. 

We looked to the sea on the right, with it's rolling surf 
and to the snow capped mountains on the left.

The view was worth all the effort it took to reach the top. Here on the peak where we stood, was sunshine and a warm breeze.

After a few minutes rest and a refreshing snack,we picked up our packs and started down into the valley.

As we wended our way down through the trees, we were leaving the sunshine, and the breeze was much cooler.
Our minds were still on the beautiful sights from the mountain top. We wished we could have stayed the whole day up there in the sunshine. What could we see on the downward trek that could surpass the beauty of what we had just experienced?

Suddenly we came out of the trees and there we were at the head of the valley.

                           Spread out before us like a carpet, were thousands of flowers of every shape and color. 

Again we were in the sunlight and were in sight of the cabin we had been traveling 
toward all afternoon.

Already it seemed we could smell the bacon cooking and the aroma of coffee boiling on the fire. We had been in this valley before and knew how beautiful it was. Why did we always forget as we came down  through the shadow of the trees and keep wishing we were back on the mountain top?

I think we do this often in our Christian life. Sometimes it seems like God is blessing us more than we can contain. Our hearts are over flowing with joy and our lips are filled with His praises.

Then the shadows of trouble come and we are soon caught in the web of discouragement and depression. We forget that Jesus said, "Lo, I am with you always." and before we know it, we have lost our joy and our lips are hushed from His praises.

Just when we think we can go no farther, through some small way, God reveals His presence to us. We realize He has been there all the time. The joy we feel of knowing God is with us in time of trouble is greater than the joy on the mountain top. 
Then we can say, "Truly, there is Joy in the Valley, because God is with us."

(photos by Sharon Hegwood)

Monday, August 19, 2019

A Peaceful Noise, by Mary Reneau

A peaceful noise? 
No way can we imagine such a thing. 
Our whole effort seems to be directed to escaping
the noise of everyday living. 

We go to the hills, or... 

we seek the seclusion of a quiet lake. 

There we can relax and be free from noise and strife.
Noise and strife; the two seem to go together. How then can there be a peaceful noise?
One long weekend recently my husband, Richard, and I decided to seek peace and quiet in the hills. We loaded our back packs with enough food for two days and packed into Wilderness Falls. 

After three hours of hard hiking and setting up camp near the falls, I was ready to rest, but not Richard. Off he went with his fishing gear after the elusive trout.

I spread out my sleeping bag and lay down for a short nap. At first all I could hear was the roar of the falls, but slowly I began to hear other sounds. 

There was a musical tinkling sound as a small stream made its way over the rocks to the river.

A soft whistling sound of the wind high in the trees was added to the blend of sounds.

 A peaceful noise? Yes, it was like a lullaby and soon I was asleep. 

It was not the noise of the falls that put me to sleep, but the undertones of the stream and the wind.
Afterwards as I thought about it, I realized there was a lesson in this.
There are times when we cannot take to the hills and the noise and strife seems to be getting the best of us. What can we do?
 God tells us in His Word, "The work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness;quietness and assurance forever. And my people shall quiet resting places." ( Isaiah 32:17,18) 

He doesn't tell us to take to the hills. He wants us to listen to the undertones of His voice, through His Word. He tells us,"to study to be quiet"(I Thessalonians 4:11) 
Yes, the noise and strife are still there, but we can be quiet inside and dwell continually in a quiet place. The blending of strife and God's Word can be a peaceful noise.

(photos by Sharon Hegwood)

It has been a long time since Mom wrote this story, but I remember watching her as she rested in the Lord during the hard times in her life. No matter the circumstances, she always trusted Him
and claimed His peace, because she was His child. She taught her children to do the same, by her words and by the life she lived.
If you do not know Christ as you Savior, you cannot have that peace. You may "take to the hills,"
but you will not find peace unless you are seeking God. He wants everyone to have that quiet resting place, but you cannot find it until you seek Him with your whole heart. He is waiting for you now.